Psalm 40:3
He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see what He has done and be amazed. They will put their trust in the LORD.
She trembles,
The enemy's voice whispers,
He's not here, He won't come,
You're alone
You have no friends,
No one truly cares
He doesn't care
Where is He?
She's weary,
Tired of fighting.
Tired of the cold,
It settles in her stomach,
Freezing her
Mind racing,
Voices yelling!
She cries out!
His voice,
Still yet firm!
Believe, trust!
Stand, truth!
Easier, with those of like mind!
His voice says
Your time!
Will you believe?
Will you trust?
Will you know truth?
Now is the time,
Time to put her weight on His Word
New strength, resolve
Armor, shield, sword
She steps out
She trembles
Yet she stands
Time to trust
His voice
Speaking through her
Gaining strength
Enemy's voice speaks
Same lies
Same deceit
His Word
Ringing out
Truth pouring light
Enemy's voice trembles
It's his time to flee
New weight
New song
Pouring forth
Her song
Spirit singing praise
Joy unspeakable
To God be the glory!